Today is a day of.....great contemplation

>> Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm just kinda in one of those thinking moods. I'm praying about the City Uprising event next June in NYC - it's a great event to be a part of, I just pray that people want to travel, and that I want to. I just let life get in the way of what I feel God calling me to do. When I spend time with God and I get so excited about the ways that I can serve him, but then I start my day to day and it slowly fades. I'm trying to figure out how to make God my day to day and really do it, not just say I'm gonna try.
Well today I have a doctor's appointment, but I think they are just measuring the baby and checking the heartbeat, but I love to hear her heartbeat. I really feel her move now and I think she's gonna be hyper. Also, we are going to Charlotte this weekend to visit Elevation Church I can't wait, they seem to really have it together and are expecting God to do bigger things then they thought possible - and He is!
Well I guess that's all for today!


Ok, Ok, ooooh K

>> Thursday, August 21, 2008

Well, I haven't written in a long, long time - mostly because I didn't figure anyone would want to read about what I have to say. Well, I like reading other people's blogs so maybe someone will want to read mine (plus I've had a lot of NICE encouragement from friends to update this!) Well lets see, I'm five months pregnant with my first child, but we don't want to know what it is - yeah right the first chance I had I found out - it's a GIRL! I'm excited and a little nervous, it's kind of like other people have children - not me, but I soon will. I guess I get nervous about the delivery part, which I try not to think about, but mostly about the being a good mom part. I've seen so many children suffer when their parents just don't take care of them especially emotionally, and I don't want to do that. What else has happened, umm Denira's baby shower was August 8th and it was so fun and now I can't believe that her due date is soooo soon. Also last weekend was my mom's 50th birthday party - it was good to see the family! A lot of people traveled down to Tennessee from NJ & PA, we are now the southerners of the family, well kind of have been for a while. Oh and the final big news, my 10 year high school reunion is this Saturday night - it will be interesting. I don't feel like too much has happened in 10 years but maybe it has for the rest of my class. I definately have learned a lot in those 10 years. Well that's really the big news that has happened since last December I guess.

Oh, please pray for the kids at Central High School in Knoxville, the shooting this morning was horrible, pray for Ryan McDonald's family and dealing with this tragedy.