Ok, Time to Catch Up

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So the past month I've shot a few photo shoots and I guess it's about time I shared some of the photos. A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of doing Emily's senior pictures - she was so much fun to shoot cause she was up for anything. I love when people aren't afraid to try things. So here is a few of my favorites. . .

I have a couple other photos shoots that I will be posting soon. In other news, the baby is moving like crazy and last night it hit me that I have like maybe 7 more weeks, I am excited and nervous. I really can't wait to see what she looks like...I don't really think she'll look like the routan baby in my last post!! Also, The Ridge was awesome Sunday night. Chris did great with the lights, it's the best they've ever looked and the band sounded really good and Pastor Bob's message really hit me, and that isn't just token praise!! (inside joke for those of us who attended!) Well I guess that's it for now.


Steph Gentry November 11, 2008 at 8:52 PM  

Those photos are sooo good! I know Emily had to love them!!